Pizza Patrón is suspending its franchise program indefinitely. The will continue development with some of its existing franchise partners, but will concentrate its growth focus on building company owned stores. Company officials say the decision was made to ensure high company standards from store to store. “We are proven and successful operators of the Pizza Patrón model,” said founder Antonio Swad. “I think we understand how to maximize its potential better than most.” In late December, the company announced plans to roll out several new strategies in 2014 designed to bring the brand closer to its core Mexican-born customers. These plans include an array of updated branding programs like new product development, unique promotions, traditional advertising, digital, social media and public relations. This is a significant narrowing of focus for the brand that started franchising in 2003 with the objective of becoming the nation's premier 'Latino' pizza brand. The 28-year old restaurant chain presently operates about 100 restaurants, primarily in Hispanic markets, in the United States. Pizza Patron units operate in several formats. The traditional location is the take-out location in anchored open centers in urban, suburban and small town markets. The ideal size is about 1200 square feet with a minimum of 20 feet of frontage while 850 to 1200 square foot units are considered. Where end cap sites are available, drive-thrus can be included. A freestanding quick service unit in the 900 to 1500 square foot range can offer take-out and drive-thru features. A quick casual format is ideally about 1800 square feet and includes limited seating. The range considered is 1300 to 2500 square feet and at least 20 feet of frontage is required. The smaller Rapidito and branded quick service units will locate in mall food courts, stadiums, universities, travel centers c-stores, etc.
CATEGORY: Quick Service
Chain Name: Pizza Patron
Company Name: Pizza Patron Inc.
Street Address: 10999 Petal St., Suite 200, Dallas, Texas 75238
Tel: 972/613-8000 Fax: 972/613-8014
Email: [email protected] Website:
Menu Specialty: Fresh-dough pizza
Introduced: 1986
No. of Locations: Over 100 in Texas, California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Georgia, Florida.
Areas of Operation: Southeast and Southwest United States
Types of Location: Anchored open centers, end caps, freestanding, food courts, travel centers, etc.
BusinessType (corp., franchise, jv): Corporate (franchising on hold)
Size Req’d: With various formats, sizes range from food courts to 2500 square feet.
Special Requirements (patio, drive-thru, etc): Within 75 feet of primary traffic corridor, minimum traffic of 12,000 daily, visibility, parking, convenient access, etc.
Contact Name: Antonio Swad – Founder
Andrew Gamm – Brand Director
Ernesto Hernandez – Director, Operations
PARENT COMPANY: Pizza Patron Inc., Dallas, Texas
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Last Report: Restaurant & QSR Expansion Report #109 Last Update: