Restaurant & QSR Expansion Report

A Politically Incorrect Industry Problem

Performance-enhancing drugs have been the topic of conversation in sporting circles for several years now.  It decimated some Olympic track and field teams a few years ago, it is hinted to be in sports programs from high schools to professional teams and it was the subject of congressional hearings in the U.S. a few years back.

What has not been addressed yet is the effects the use of performance-enhancing drugs are having on our industry.  Yes, it is suspected that it has even found its way into the leasing departments of some of the development companies and even some restaurant chains.  And, I would think that if you took the time to observe the actions and activities at some of the conferences and conventions, you too would be convinced that the use of these performance-enhancing substances might be wide spread in the ranks.  Ya don't believe it?  Just think about it for a minute.

Anabolic-androgenic steroids are the synthetic derivates of the naturally occurring male anabolic hormone, testosterone. And where is testosterone more evident than at an out-of-town convention? Throw in the need for deal-making and you can almost see the testosterone levels bubbling at the negotiating tables.

The most common uses of steroids would seem to be is in weightlifting where participants want to 'bulk up', to increase muscle mass.  But there are the side effects that we've all heard about and many of these body changes and personality changes tell the tale.  Obviously, the visual effects are the first signs.  The rapid weight gain on a weightlifter, because he or she exercises daily, is usually seen in larger muscle structure.  In our industry, where that daily, intense exercise is less frequent, this weight gain appears on different parts of the body. I am sure you’ve noticed that many of the attendees at the conferences aren't present at the sessions as often as they were in the past?  That's right, the chairs aren't big enough anymore.

Another visual side effect is acne, the scourge-of-the-teenager.  Look around the next industry gathering and count the zits.  Of course, the age of some of the attendees might have something to do with this too. There is a lot of ‘newbies’.  If he doesn't shave yet, he might actually be a teenager!

Behavioural side effects are often another dead give-away.  We've all heard about the 'roids rage'.  This has nothing to do with city traffic at 5:00 p.m. or haemorrhoids.  It is the outright aggression and extreme irritability that some display.  Hasn't anyone else noticed the 'attitude' when you're ten minutes late for your appointment at a conference?  Hasn't anyone questioned the arrogance shown when the signed lease doesn't come back within two days?  Or worse, when it comes back with changes?  Another signs is the 'dog-on-a-bone' leasing representative with the 22,000 square foot third-rate plaza who persistently calls the national chain that only operates in triple 'A' regional malls.

In addition, there are the effects on the attention span or the attention-to-details that can result.  Like when the lease that is sent bears no resemblance to the original conversation.  The worst effect though is the paranoia that constant use brings on.  This is often shown in the fear of returning phone calls.  Obviously, they are thinking that the caller is 'out to get' them.

For many in the industry, there are positive side effects though.  One in particular is the ability to hit a golf ball 350 or more yards.  Of course, this might also come as a result of daily practice too............which could explain the lack of return calls.

So there ya have it.  Now, if any of you are upset by this, take a deep breath.  It’s all in fun.  And if you aren’t having fun, it makes no sense doing it.  But I’m will to bet you’ll be watching for these traits at the next conference...................WP


